Learning Enhancements
Allied Health
The Warringa Park School Allied Health team works collaboratively with leadership, teaching and support staff to create a positive and happy environment to engage, inspire and encourage our students in their learning and support them to optimise their school experience. Our team is comprised of Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, a Physiotherapist and a Movement Therapist, and our therapy programs are supported by three Allied Health assistants.
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Occupational Therapy
The overall goal of Occupational Therapy (OT) is to maximize a student’s ability and potential to independently participate in a variety of activities across the school day. These activities may be academic, such as writing skills, as well as non-academic, including the development of social skills, sensory integration and self-care skills.
OTs work consultatively throughout the school, working on a referral and priority needs basis. The OTs provide recommendations in consultation with classroom staff to address areas of concern including:
- Activities of daily living: Such as dressing, toileting, eating
- Motor planning: developing the ability to organise, plan and complete new and unpractised skills such balancing,
skipping and handling objects - Sensory processing and sensory integration: Managing student sensory processing within the school environment,
including oral motor (e.g. blowing bubbles), visual, tactile (e.g. touching and manipulating different objects) and
proprioceptive activities (e.g. movement-based games such as climbing, kicking balls and using scooter boards) - Fine motor skills: Using hands and fingers to manipulate smaller object
- Perceptual motor/ gross motor: the acquisition of large scale movements such as walking, running, jumping, climbing, swimming.
Speech Therapy
School speech pathologists assess and treat people who have a communication disability. Speech pathologists are trained in all aspects of communication including speech, writing, reading, signs, symbols and gestures. Speech pathologists also work with people who have difficulties swallowing food and drink.
The speech pathologists at Warringa Park School have a goal to equip every student at the school with an ability to communicate. This may include using Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). AAC assists children with little or no speech by supplementing or augmenting the speech a person may already have. Alternative communication is used where speech is not possible. AAC includes all forms of communication, other than speech (e.g. gesture, signing, communication books and speech generating devices).
AAC is used to aid students in:
- expressing their needs, wants, thoughts, and emotions;
- reducing frustration and behaviour difficulties;
- turn taking, initiation and requesting skills;
- understanding the meaning of words;
- developing more complex thinking skills;
- developing spoken language;
- using socially appropriate behavior;
- supporting comprehension;
Speech pathologists work consultatively throughout the school, supporting classroom staff to implement strategies to support communication development and assisting classroom teams to implement literacy lessons.
The physiotherapist at Warringa Park School assesses and treats a variety of conditions that affect the physical function of students through enhancing learning in a fun way by encouraging movement.
Key areas of focus include: exercise programs, gait aids such as walkers and wheelchairs, manual handling, transfers and staff and student education.
Café 11 | Warringa Crescent Campus
Café 11 is a school based café, designed to provide work experience for students in the Bethany Road Campus. It provides
learning outcomes for students in Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development and Work Education.
Students practice skill development in the areas of:
- Food handling
- Kitchen hand duties
- Customer service
- Waiting on tables
- Money handling
- Work safety
Café 11 is a pathway to the hospitality certificate in years 11 and 12 and provides opportunities for students to seek employment. Café 11 is self-funded.
Families are encouraged to use the café and see their child at work.
Opening Hours
Monday – Thursday
10:30 – 12:00
12:30 – 2:00
Muffins and hot food available
10:30 – 12:00
12:30 – 1:00
Biscuits and toasted sandwiches available.
Delicious daily specials are on offer every day.
Please book for afternoon visits.

Café 10 | Cayleys Road Campus
Café 10 is a student based Cafe run by students, providing work experience for students at the Cayleys Road Campus. It provides Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development and Work Education.
Students practice skill development in the areas of:
- Food handling
- Customer service
- Waiting on tables
- Money handling
- Work safety
Café 10 prepares students who choose hospitality certificate in years 11 and 12 and provides opportunities for students to seek employment. Café 10 is a self-funded.
Families will be invited to use the café and see their child at work.
Opening Hours
Monday – Thursday
10:30 – 12:00
12:30 – 2:00
Savoury muffins, toasties, hot and cold drinks
Lunch orders – Orders sent home weekly.
All food cooked and prepared at Cayleys Road Campus.

Student Wellbeing
The Student Wellbeing Team at Warringa Park School are dedicated to creating a positive and engaging school environment that promotes the health, wellbeing and learning of all students. Our team assist and empower students to achieve their full potential through the provision of personal development opportunities and support services including:
- Counselling & Mentoring
- Social and Emotional Learning
- Support with mental health and wellbeing
- Family Information and Referrals
- Health Provision & Education
- Transitions & Pathways
- Events
These school services can help students learn the competencies and skills they need to build resilience and effectively manage their emotions, behaviour and relationships with others. In turn, these support opportunities and programs optimise the wellbeing of students through all stages of their development so they can be healthy, happy, engaged and successful.
We know that there are strong links between wellbeing and school excellence. Not only can the provision of support services increase student mental health and wellbeing, but the impact can also be correlated to positive learning engagement, outcomes and future success. When a student is supported in their development they can connect, thrive and succeed in their learning to achieve their goals and prepare for future.

Our Student Wellbeing Team
The Student Wellbeing team work collaboratively with students, families, teachers, allied health and external community agencies to provide support services and personal developmental programs across all Warringa Park School campuses.
Kelly Botha
Assistant Principal | Curriculum Accountability & Reporting
Lindsey Delooze
Assistant Principal | Wellbeing – Curriculum
Kimberley Zammit
Assistant Principal | Later Years Curriculum & Pathways
Tim Hilton
Assistant Principal | Community Engagement
Samantha Mahoney
Wellbeing Coordinator Later Years
Paige Heald & Jamie Dubowik
Wellbeing Coordinators Lower, Middle and Upper Primary Years
Emma Armstrong
Mental Health Practitioner Later Years
Amy Reid
Career Pathways
Jimmy Mathieson
Youth Worker
Natalie Roksandic & Rachael Whitehead
School Nurses
Greer Whitworth
Enrolments Officer
Cieran Barter & Irene Kerr
NDIS Coordinators
Kerstin Barter
Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator
Karen Garner
At Warringa Park School, we have a 1:1 iPad program for all staff and students. Devices are school owned and managed, with access to a suite of quality apps to support student learning. Our focus is on ‘Creation rather than Consumption’ and students use iPads to capture and demonstrate their learning in a range of creative ways, including through photos, videos, drawings, voice recordings and animations.
iPads also support our students’ communication needs, with all of our staff and many of our students having access to the Proloquo2Go Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app. This helps us to create learning environments that are more inclusive and accessible for all students.
In Specialist and Elective classes, students have access to a wide range of different technologies, such as robots, recording and production software, and green screen enabled studios. We also have an ongoing partnership with the Wyndham Tech School, where students participate in a range of exciting and engaging projects that help to develop skills for the future.
Each week, students from the Media and Music Elective classes at our Cayleys Road campus take the lead in writing, presenting, editing and producing content for our school TV channel, ‘Warringa Connect’. This platform gives students the opportunity to share school news, celebrate achievements and reinforce our school values in a fun and engaging way. Warringa Connect features students from all of our campuses and is broadcast for our whole school community to enjoy.
Through the Seesaw app, our parent community can also connect to the learning their child is undertaking every day. This allows learning to be extended beyond the classroom and helps to establish stronger relationships within our school community.
We are proud to have been accredited as an Apple Distinguished School since 2012 and continue to work closely with the Apple Education team to ensure that we provide the best possible opportunities for our students, both now and in the future.
Please click here to see our ‘Everyone Can Create’ project with Apple.